Pain with a Purpose
Pain without a purpose is heart-rendering, piercing, and hopeless. Pain with a purpose is heart-healing, life-mending, and hope-filled.
Look at what our LORD and SAVIOUR did for us at Calvary, He showed us “pain with a purpose”; HE died to set men free.
LORD, help us through our “pain with a purpose”, For right now we don‟t see the why or understand. Help us to trust and give ourselves humbly, under YOUR mighty hand.
To know there's a purpose, a righteous reason, Being able to encourage, support, and help someone else in due season.
LORD, we are thankful in our “pain with a purpose”,
For we have YOUR word, YOU‟LL never leave or forsake us. YOU are faithful, loving, and just.
Heart-healing, life-mending, and hope-filled is “pain with a
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28