Investigators of the work of the well-known missionary, Mary Slessor, were amazed at her ability to influence tribal chieftains to cooperate in her efforts to evangelize their people. “You have forgotten to take into account the woman’s God,” said one of them.
Most of the disciples of Jesus were not noted for their strengths. Peter had trouble with his temper and was unstable at the crucifixion, denying his Lord three times. Philip tried to figure a faithless way out of problems. Thomas, at first, doubted the resurrection. Yet this group of weak ones planted churches throughout their world.
Christianity exists today because of the accomplishments of imperfect people who counted on God’s strength to compensate for their weaknesses. His power made the difference.
What makes that power available to us? Prayer and faith. God imparts His power to those who trust Him.
When we reach the end of human endurance, it is good to know that God has promised divine strength to His fainting children. Believers who have exhausted their own resources can exchange weakness for God’s limitless strength.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” said Paul (Philippians 4:13).
What encouraging words for those who feel at the end of themselves! And those times come for us all. Our burdens become too heavy to bear; our responsibilities require more than we have to give.
Sickness may drain our normal vitality. Lack of sleep may rob us of alertness. Financial needs may become so distressing that our work hours are lengthened to meet the money crunch. Even then, God offers to compensate for our weakness with His strength. He understands our limitations.
“He knows our frame. He remembers that we are dust” (Psalms 103:14).
God has tipped the scales in favor of many weak ones:
George Frederick Handel lost his health; his right side was paralyzed, his money was gone and his creditors threatened to imprison him. Handel almost despaired, but his faith prevailed and in his affliction composed his greatest work: “THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS”, the crowning section of his renowned “MESSIAH”.
Fanny Crosby was blind but composed thousands of published hymns, many of which are still used in worship services around the world.
Shortly before her sixtieth birthday, Helen Keller expressed pity for the real unseeing, writing: “If the blind put their hand in God’s they find their way more surely than those who see but have not faith or purpose.”
Every week has weak days.
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
So if you’re feeling weak, in view of your problems, burdens and responsibilities, you’re just the person God wants to empower to rise above your circumstances and change the world.
Roger Campbell was an author, a broadcaster and columnist who was a pastor for 22 years. A new book containing over one hundred of his best columns, “Everywhere You Go There’s a Zacchaeus Up a Tree,” is now available at your local or online bookseller. Contact us at rcministry@ameritech.net