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God Really Cares


How do you react when trouble comes? Do you become pessimistic? Depressed? Are you difficult to be around because you lash out at others? Do you find yourself angry at God because things haven’t turned out as you hoped they would?

Few people have difficulty believing God cares for them when things are going well. But things do not always go well. This may be one of your difficult days. All the things you feared might someday happen seem to be happening and you don’t know how to cope with these disappointments. What can you do to rise above your circumstances?

Try relaxing in God’s love. He really cares!

God’s care for us is shown in His creation. In his book, “COUNTDOWN,” G.B. Hardy points out a number of scientific facts about the earth and its relation to its atmosphere and other planets that prove the Creator’s care, writing: “We now know the size of our earth could not have been a thing of chance. It is exactly the right size for the existence of life.”

After listing a number of these “just rights,” he contrasts the earth to other planets as follows: “These dead and dismal moons and planets are a witness to the providence and genius of God. They stand bleak in dazzling light or eternal blackness, in blistering heat or deadly cold. They stand an eternal witness to man of what his world would be like if a loving God had not fashioned it for life and comfort.”

Negative attitudes overcome us when despair leads us to conclude that some areas of life lie outside the circle of God’s love. This kind of thinking compartmentalizes God and limits our expectation of His care.

God’s love, so clearly seen in creation and redemption, extends to all areas of life. All things that concern God’s children concern their heavenly Father. According to the Bible, “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

On one of his down days, Martin Luther heard a bird singing its evening song; then the sweet singer tucked its head under its wing and fell asleep. Describing this experience, Luther concluded: “This little bird has had its supper and now is getting ready to go to sleep, quite content, never troubling itself as to what its food will be or where it will lodge on the morrow. Like David, it abides under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 92). It sits on its little twig content and lets God care.”

Are you hurting because of pain or other unwanted trials?

Not one of your problems has taken God by surprise. Tell Him your troubles and leave them with Him.

He understands and cares!

Roger Campbell was an author, a broadcaster and columnist who was a pastor for 22 years. A new book containing over one hundred of his best columns, “Everywhere You Go There’s a Zacchaeus Up a Tree,” is now available at your local or online bookseller. Contact us at

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