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Simply Say Yes

Simply Say Yes John 6:1-13 What is ministry?

Ministry, boiled down to its deepest root is simply saying yes to God. As I was reading this morning in John Chapter 6 , I was again in awe of one of the most well known miracles of Jesus. The miracle of feeding the large group, 5,000 (and that was just the men), with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. John 6:7-10 What if that young boy had not given what he had to offer because it seemed so small in comparison to the enormous need? What if he had been stopped by the thought of how silly it looked to give just that little bit? Or that the food he carried was not enough to feed all the disciples themselves, let alone a crowd? What if he let his insufficiency turn his heart away from being the vessel Jesus wanted to do a miracle through? What if he would’ve just decided to keep the food and take it back home to his family? But he didn’t! He showed up. He gave everything! Trusting that even if he couldn’t fix it all, he could bring what he had. He was willing to help be a part of the solution, setting down insecurity and perfectionism and dare I say, even rationality. He was willing to see a need and say yes to Jesus. You, my friend, have some loaves and fish in your life that God has provided. A calling. A Spiritual gifting. A provision on your life. It’s time to say yes to God and share it! Don’t let the feelings of insufficiency or doubt lead you away from simply saying yes to God. Oftentimes, He doesn’t want a bakery full of bread, He just wants your lunch and your willingness to give it up to Him. That’s all you are in control of giving anyhow. Whatever God has given you that feels small today, insufficient for the needs you see, simply say yes to Jesus.

Give it to Him. HE is the miracle working One.

HE is the One who takes what we have and multiplies it to meet the needs.

And let me just brag for a minute here, not only does He meet the needs, He provides in excess!


He didn’t take the boy’s lunch and spread it just far enough to scrape by. The disciples picked up 12 baskets full of leftovers ya’ll! (John 6:13) God is able to do so much more than we can even imagine! And He’s willing to do it with you if you’ll just give Him your lunch!

Your “yes” of obedience.

Don’t limit God by saying “Well, I just have this little thing to give”.


We all only have little things. We are all only humans. But little things, small meals, in the hands of a Great God become miraculous overflow!

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