Tune Out the Downers
Reaching for the car radio dial to catch a weather report seemed so natural. We were heading for Arizona that winter and wondering what kind of weather we’d face on this long journey. Who knew we’d discover a weather reporter who specialized in storms?
Anticipating this trip, we had envisioned the pleasure of driving to ever warmer weather and the beauty that accompanies that transition: green grass, flowers, birds on the wing as they joined us on their annual flight to warmer climbs; but none of these pleasant scenes were described by our gloomy weather reporter. This negative forecaster focused on nothing but bad weather so we tuned him out. We wanted to enjoy the beauty of the moment, remember the glories of fall and look forward to what was ahead.
The enduring classic devotional guide, “Streams in the Desert,” calls for giving thanks for the planned kaleidoscope we call the year, that the earth in its journey makes the one cycle a perpetual delight, emphasizing then how this is especially true in the season of splendor that arrives every October, asking: “Who with the least bit of love of nature in his disposition has not gone out of his way to see hills covered and vales filled with the glory and splendor of falling leaves.”
Solomon said God has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). And the splendor of fall may make it the most beautiful time of all. Who can doubt the existence of God in October? Bushes are ablaze, reminding us of Moses turning aside to view the burning bush from which God would call him to become the deliverer of his people.
This is the season when still waters become mirror pools begging for bobbers. Multicolored leaves decorating trees during this season of splendor ought to remind us that we’re both indebted and accountable to Him. Responding to His love with appreciation and dedication makes life truly beautiful.
Thomas Carlyle, the Scottish essayist and historian, wrote, “I believe you will find in all histories that no nation that did not contemplate this wonderful universe with an awe-stricken and reverential belief that there was a great unknown, omnipotent and all-wise and all-just Being superintending all men in it and all interest in it ever came to much, nor did any man who forgot that.”
Who wouldn’t enjoy this upcoming season of the Divine artist’s crowning glory?
A few.
“I can’t enjoy the beauty of fall,” said one, “because I keep thinking about what’s soon to come: winter.”
No wonder Jesus warned against facing tomorrow’s difficulties today (Matthew 6:34).
Are you troubled by some forecaster of gloom who’s robbing you of the blessings of today? Do you doubt that great blessings are ahead for your church, your family, your future?
Consider the source of this negativism and reject these doom and gloom forecasters.
The beauty of fall should convince us all that God is alive and cares.
Roger Campbell was an author, a broadcaster and columnist who was a pastor for 22 years. A new book containing over one hundred of his best columns, “Everywhere You Go There’s a Zacchaeus Up a Tree,” is now available at your local or online bookseller. Contact us at rcministry@ameritech.net