Develop a Blind Eye and a Deaf Ear
Paying too much attention to negatives can cause one to become an expert at faultfinding. And if you build your life on faults, expect earth
God Meets Us Where We Are
Most of us have times ahead in hospital rooms or doctor’s waiting rooms. If this is not one of those times, it is a time for thanksgiving, a
Feel Incapable? Join the Club!
God seems to enjoy using weak but willing people to do great things to the amazement of those who are thought to be better qualified.
Power Conscious People Make a Difference
Too many of us are problem conscious. This constant focusing on our difficulties, instead of on the power of God to take us safely through
Storms That Bring Us Home
“Come, and let us return to the Lord…he will heal us…he will bind us up (Hosea 6:1).”
We Need a January Thaw
Melting spiritual ice is no easy task. Real and imaginary wrongs have often built up such strong barricades to blessings that true reconcili
When Hope Seems Gone
In my grandfather’s case, the doctor was right. Grandpa Campbell died, leaving his wife and large family to go on without him; but many time
Don't Miss Your Mission
Don't Miss Your Mission What if you were the mother of twelve children and when the youngest started preschool you wondered what to do...
Don't Miss Your Moment
DON’T MISS YOUR MOMENT We’re all familiar with the Magi who came from the east (probably from Iraq,) bringing gifts of gold, frankincense...
How to Survive Christmas
HOW TO SURVIVE CHRISTMAS I love Christmas. In spite of all the commercialism of this holy event, I’m thrilled that two thousand years...